General Information

The oldest publication of the DMG and known in the whole world is its internationally quoted periodical Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (ZDMG). The first volume appeared in 1847 as an organ for Oriental studies serving the whole German-speaking area. The regular publication of the journal was interrupted only by temporary vicissitudes of German history. Right from the beginning, German and foreign scholars made use of the journal to present the results of their research.

Also under auspices of the DMG are the Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes (AKM). The contents of this monograph series, which was founded in 1857, mirror – like the ZDMG – the diversity of the individual orientalist disciplines represented in the society. Members of the DMG can order the AKM from the publisher Harrassowitz with a discount of 20 % and are requested to indicate their membership when ordering.

An important document, published by the DMG in 1969, is the Denkschrift zur Transliteration der arabischen Schrift, which set the standard for decades and is even today still in use. A pdf of this document can be reached here.

Manuscripts intended for the ZDMG and also those for the AKM should first be sent to the editor of the ZDMG, Prof. Dr. Roland Steiner.

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